Thissio Air Monitoring Station (AMS)
The Thissio Air Monitoring Station (Thissio AMS) is located at the central premises of the National Observatory of Athens in the historical center of Athens (Thissio area, 37.97°N, 23.72° E, 105m a.s.l.) overlooking the Attica basin and at approximately 50m above the mean city level.

Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory (ACL)
The Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory (ACL) of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) was founded in 1996 by the Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development (IERSD), one of NOA’s three institutes.

Numerical models and HPC
Members of the APCG group are involved with numerical model applications from the global to the local spatial scales. They perform earth system, atmospheric, chemical transport and radiative transfer modeling.

Innovative AQ sensors
APCG is active in the testing and optimization of innovative air quality monitoring solutions which use low- and medium-cost smart sensors.

MAX-Doas Penteli station
The MAX-DOAS instrument is installed at the premises of the National Observatory of Athens in Penteli (38.05οN, 23.86οE, 527 m a.s.l). It operates in collaboration with the University of Bremen.

Mobile AQ monitoring station
The National Observatory of Athens (NOA) conducts atmospheric pollution measurements in Attica since 1970. In 1996 NOA acquired its first mobile station and since 2010 the Mobile Air Quality Monitoring Station is operational.

Thissio Actinometric platform
An actinometric platform has been installed and measuring at National Observatory of Athens on since 2016 (Latitude: 37.9 deg, Longitude: 23.7 deg, Altitude: 130m a.s.l.).

Piraeus AQ monitoring station
In the framework of the cooperation between IERSD/NOA and the Regional Authority of Attica (Regional Unit of Piraeus) in the PiraeusAQ project, APCG has installed an air quality monitoring station in the center of Piraeus (37°56'52.5"N, 23°38'35.0" Ε), near the busiest passenger port in Europe.

The atmospheric station of the Navarino Environmental Observatory (NEO)
The NEO atmospheric monitoring station operates at Methoni, a coastal site at SW Greece (36° 49' 32'' N, 21° 42' 17'' E, 50 m a.s.l.), to track climate change signals and air pollution. It is an important part of a European Network and fills the gap of missing data from this part of Europe.