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APCG participates in the case study of Athens Metropolitan Area, where Systems Innovation framework to leverage a series of synergetic interventions for climate resilience is implemented. APCG will provide ARSINOE (Climate Resilient-Regions Through Systemic Solutions And Innovations) urban biodiversity data and relevant environmental attributes to integrate natural systems into the urban fabric. The assessment of urban climatic indicators in relation to human health with downscaling techniques will offer appropriate, higher horizontal resolution.

The pilot will be implemented in close collaboration with the Municipality of Athens which was represented in the meeting by its newly appointed Heat Officer, Prof. Lenio Myrivilli. During the closing of the meeting the American economist, academic and public policy analyst Jeffrey Sachs, known as one of the world's leading experts on economic development, made an intervention on the importance of such projects and accepted questions from the more than 100 meeting participants.

Myrivili Arsinoe  1634306196566Arsinoe