eShape PatrasUniversity 2021  Athana eShape 122021


NOA represented the e-shape project in the EO4GEO University Workshop on Air quality monitoring and management (December 17th, 2021, University of Patras, Greece). 

Students were familiarized with the e-shape project as a whole, they were informed about urban air quality issues and how these are coupled with human health aspects in the frame of Pilot 2.3 "EO-based pollution-health risks profiling in the urban environment", and they were given details on air pollution monitoring by innovative sensors, as well as air pollution mapping by high resolution atmospheric numerical models. Students were also introduced to the preliminary online platform developed within the frame of the project.

You can find below the two presentations 

Grivas Georgios, "Air quality monitoring through low-cost networks in large metropolitan areas"

Athanasopoulou Eleni, "Urban air pollution mapping towards protecting human health"

Watch the presentations here